If you are reading this and have lost your ex you have come to the right place. In your strategy of how to get my ex back, these three tips should be followed.
Step one
Stop communicating with your ex completely. Use none of the various methods that you usually employ to get in contact with your boyfriend/girlfriend. I know this is the opposite of what you really want to do but, trust me, this step is essential in your plan of how to get your ex back.
Step two
You need to find the cause of the breakup. Spend a lot of time on the step. Really study your relationship and the breakup to pinpoint where problems started. If you think the problems started in the last month, look over the last year. You will almost always find the problem is much earlier than you originally thought.Spend a lot of time in really pinpoint where this happened.
Step three
Now that you have isolated the real basis for your breakup you can now make a plan on how to recontact your ex.
The minimum you should spend on this step is one week. If not, utilize the rest of that week in making a plan of re-contacting your ex. It is vital you do not rush into this. It is also vital that you understand completely what went wrong and what is most important, the part you played in it.
You should have an upbeat attitude when you get in touch with your boyfriend/girlfriend, being happy and carefree. You really need to be light and smiley, not depressed or angry. This should be a casual connection. See how it goes. If you are on the right path continue. If not, re-evaluate your identification of the problem. If step two looks good, you can try a new step three, but step two is usually the problem.
So follow these three steps in your quest of how to get my ex back.
Want to Know More?
Find out how to get my ex back click on the link http://www.howtogetmyexback1.com/une