If your ex is showing you a little bit of interest, or seems more interested in going out and spending time with you than before, or if you notice signs that your ex is trying to flirt with you, then it's okay to be a little hopeful but you need to avoid jumping the gun. Are you asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me"?
All these are definitely common indications that your lover is interested in getting back together with you. However, even if you are eager to get back together, you should still exercise some caution. You might want to play hard to get but don't over do it. This is probably what your lover will respond best to anyway.
You are advised not to jump right back into your relationship because doing so may push your lover away instead. Chances are, if your ex is showing interest in you, it is because you are playing hard to get. This makes him or her even more interested in you.
It is quite natural for both of you to miss one another, whether it is you that break up with your ex, or your ex who is the one to break up with you. Because of that, it is only normal that both of you will have this desire of getting back together again. This is especially true the longer the relationship is. It is highly likely that your ex will miss you due to the many wonderful memories that both of you shared.
However, beside those sweet memories, there are also some "not so sweet" ones. If you are wondering if your ex still wants to get back together with you, chances are your ex is thinking about the same issue for similar reasons.
Of course, there are situations whereby your ex is only feigning interest. He or she may simply treat it as a game. They realize that you still love them. Therefore, they are only trying to get your attention without really wanting to get back together with you. Therefore, unless your ex really seems to enjoy spending time with you, they may just be leading you on.
Even worse, your ex's intention may be just to get back at you or to take revenge. Therefore, you shouldn't just jump right back into the relationship without any observation.
This is common, and a lot of people find themselves wondering "does my ex want to get back with me?", but the truth is, its better to get a feel for the situation before you act. In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting back with you.
How To Get My Ex Back? Learn how to get ex back by watching a video on what common mistakes you must not commit.