When you first find out your wife is or has been cheating on you the first thing you might try to find out is how to get your cheating ex wife back. That's a great thing to ask at a time like this but there are at least four other questions (or to be more precise answers) you need to know before you make any effort at all to get your cheating ex wife back.
1) Is there enough love left in the relationship to make it work? If you don't know this fact beyond all doubt then you're going to have a little bit of groundwork to do before you can make it happen. The good news is that depending on how much time has passed since she cheated on you and the relationship ended, the odds are good that there is still love on her side of things. You just need to find out if it's enough love.
2) Do you have something to build on? It really does take more than love to make a relationship great. You have to have something in common. There has to be some middle ground. Even if you like the same things for different reasons, finding that common ground gives you both a building point from which you can find more and more things in common and cultivate new interests and tastes over the years.
3) Are you both willing to really roll up your sleeves and get to work? Nothing worth having is every easy, no matter what 1950's sitcoms would have you believe. Are you both ready, willing, and able to dive in and give your efforts to save your marriage everything you've got? If you're not, then perhaps it's time to consider what your next move should be and explore a few options apart rather than trying to build a future together single-handedly.
4) Why do you want to get your cheating ex wife back? This is the one fact you absolutely ought to know before you set out to accomplish this task. Explore it carefully and know, without a doubt that you do want her back and why you want her back before you make any attempt to get her back. Why? Because you better believe it's a question she's going to ask you. And, if you really want her back, it's a question you need to be able to give her an answer to.
There is not time like the present to get started in your effort to get your ex back. Even though she cheated on you, the love is still alive between the two of you and you shouldn't waste another minute asking "what if?"
Start with the step by step instructions taught in this free video: http://www.getyourexbacknow.com/just_break_up3.html and move on to enjoy delicious success once you win your wife back for good.