Moving on after discovering the truth about your cheating wife might seem easy at first. Then the reality of what you're faced with doing sets in and it doesn't seem that simple at all. In fact, it can be downright difficult.
It's not like you can just stop your heart from beating or your mind from turning to thoughts of your wife at the drop of a hat. Your wife has been such a huge part of your life for so long that facing forever without her in it is still too impossible to consider.
How do you get over your cheating wife when you can't even wrap your mind around the fact that she isn't there?
Let Yourself Grieve
First, stop beating yourself up for not getting over her quickly enough. Grieving is a process. It takes time to go through all the stages. But, you need to experience them. You will have a hard time moving on with your life if you don't allow yourself to reach some sort of closure on your marriage.
The longer you were married the longer this is likely to take. Years aren't erased in a heartbeat. It shouldn't be that easy to undo something as serious and sacred as a marriage.
Even though your wife cheated on you that doesn't mean that you don't still love her and aren't going to need a respectable amount of time to come to terms with all that has happened since then.
Channel Your Emotions
There are many positive ways you can channel the emotions you're feeling as you work to get over your cheating wife.
No, you don't have to start smoking long cigarettes and reciting depressing poetry. But you do need to find a great way for you to channel your emotions into something that is positive rather than wallowing in a great big mud hole of self-pity and self-loathing.
Some great ideas to consider include taking up boxing, hitting the gym, taking up a hobby, build a boat (house, addition, or hot rod car � or whatever your interests and opportunity presents), or join a rock band. You need an outlet where you can release the pent up emotions you're experiencing.
Meet New People
Now it's time to make new friends. Depending on how long you were married it's probable that your social circle consisted of a large number of people you knew together.
You've not only lost your wife but your entire social support system in one fell swoop. It's time to get out there and make some new friends for the sake of your sanity.
These are small steps that can help you get through the grieving process after finding out about your cheating wife. The one other option available to you is to find out how to get your ex back and avoid trying to get over her altogether.
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