Getting Back With Ex Boyfriends - How To Determine What Your Chances Are

It is pretty common to think about your ex boyfriends from time to time, but is there one in particular that you just cannot stop thinking about? Do you wonder what your chances are of getting back with ex boyfriends?

Actually, it does happen all of the time. Often two people in a relationship break up for reasons that are really kind of silly. Once they realize that, one of them might try to get back together with their ex.

It could be that the only barrier to someone trying is pride and not wanting to admit he or she made a mistake. So if you cannot stop thinking about that certain guy then here are some ways to evaluate your chances of getting him back.

First is the obvious question, why did you break up? Are you pretty sure in your mind whose fault it was or who asked for the breakup? Maybe the decision to end the relationship was mutual.

If you both agreed on the breakup it might be more difficult to determine exactly what he was thinking and why he thought it was a good idea.

But if the idea was yours or if it was something you did to mess up the romance then you probably have a better shot at getting him back. Maybe all he is waiting for is a sincere apology or an indication from you that you really do love him.

If he broke up with you, did you give him plenty of space? Lots of girls react to a guy breaking up with them by trying to smother the guy with "I'm sorry's" and other acts of desperation that can really just be a turn off to the guy.

Your chances of getting back with ex boyfriends increases if you gave him enough space after the breakup to clear his head, think about what happened and even to start to miss you some.

How have you treated him since the breakup? One natural response to a guy who broke up with you is to treat him like an outcast or even hate him and say bad things about him to your friends or his friends. This type of behavior, though, will come back to bite. It certainly reduces your chances of hooking back up with him.

A better response is to treat him cordially and with respect, regardless of how he treats you. This has the added benefit of making you look better and more mature in other peoples eyes. In the end, everyone respects you more if you act respectful even to your ex.

What is your current relationship situation? Are you with someone else now, or did you recently breakup with someone else? If so, he could be just waiting for that opportunity, but if you approach him he might think you just cannot stand to be alone and are reaching out in desperation.

Also, make sure you are emotionally ready for a relationship at this time and to potentially rehash old issues if you try to get an ex boyfriend back.

What is his situation? Does he have a girlfriend currently or recently broke up? Think about what his mindset might be right now and whether any advances from you are likely to be welcome.

Sometimes timing is everything.

Think about the answers to all of these questions when considering getting back ex boyfriends, what your chances might be if you try to reignite an old romance.

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Mr. Scott has enjoyed assisting people with relationship and marriage issues for many years now. Please note that he may occasionally receive some form of compensation when recommending other experts services or products.